Sighhh.... I read that CS piece this morning and left feeling depressed. We have an ever growing population of people who don’t contribute in any way to their own survival and are therefore robbed of the sense of purpose that is essential to living a life of meaning. We have removed all natural consequences for people’s actions which means we enable them to live their lives suspended just above rock bottom: too high to touch the ground, too low to take flight. As bad as it is in Portland I don’t think for a second that any of the people Woodhouse interviewed has the stomach to do what needs to be done to save their city. I actually lol’d when the psychiatrist said things have only gotten worse since they passed Measure 110. Gee, who would’ve thought that decriminalizing all drugs would lead to more drug abuse and overdoses not less? Places like Portland are long past the point where they can just vote in a new political party to get the change that’s needed to save their city. Honestly, I doubt anything short of a Maoist revolution is going to correct the course.

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